- Lange, S., Santarius, T., …., Schwanen, T., et al. (2023) Digital Reset: Redirecting Technologies of the Deep Sustainability Transformation. Munich: Oekom.
- Schwanen, T., Van Kempen, R. (eds.) (2019) Handbook of Urban Geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Kwan, M.-P., Schwanen, T. (eds.) (2017) Geographies of Mobility: Recent Advances in Theory and Method. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Manderscheid, K., Schwanen, T., Tyfield, D. (eds.) (2015) Foucault and Mobilities. Abingdon: Routledge.
Published/Accepted Journal Papers (since January 2012)
- Rathod, A., Olsson, J., Schwanen, T., in press. Can you please sit still?!’: Exploring the dynamics of children’s sedentary behaviors at home. Children & Society.
- Budnitz., H., Meelen, T., Schwanen, T., in press. Electric vehicle adoption intentions among UK residents parking in shared and public spaces. Transportation. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-024-10518-0.
- Budnitz, H., Jaskólski, M., Knapskog, M., Lis-Plesińska, A., Schmidt, F., Szymanowski, R., van der Craats, J., Schwanen, T., 2025. Multi-level governance and modal thinking: tensions in electric mobility transitions in European cities. Transport Policy 160, 63-72.
- Chan, E.T.H., Li, T.E., Schwanen, T., Banister, D. 2025. Towards a satisfying walking experience: Introducing the PETS conceptual framework for walking satisfaction. Cities 158, 105708.
- Carmichael, F., Darko, C.K., Daley, P., Duberley, J., Ercolani, M., Schwanen, T., Wheatley, D., in press. Long hours of work and long commutes in the Greater Accra region of Ghana: time poverty and gender. Feminist Economics.
- Schwanen, T., 2024. Geographies of value and valuation: on boundary objects, a sensibility, and trajectories. Environment and Planning F 3(4), 211-226.
- De Vos, J., Hopkins, D., Hickman, R., Schwanen, T., 2024. Tackling the academic air travel dependency. An analysis of the (in)consistency between academics’ travel behaviour and their attitudes. Global Environmental Change 88, 102908.
- Zhou, Z., Schwanen, T., 2024. Exploring the production of spatial inequality in dockless bicycle sharing in Shenzhen. Journal of Transport Geography 119, 103955.
- Budnitz., H., Meelen, T., Schwanen, T., 2024. Public residential charging of electric vehicles: an exploration of UK user preferences. European Transport Studies 1, 100004.
- Espey, J., Keith, M., Parnell, S., Schwanen, T., Seto, K.C., 2024. Designing policy for Earth’s urban future. Science 383(6681), 364-367.
- Huang, J., Kwan, M.-P., Kan, Z., Kieu, M., Lee, J., Schwanen, T., Yamada, I. (2024) Inter-relationships among individual views of COVID-19 control measures
across multi-cultural contexts. Social Science & Medicine , 117247. - Marsden, G., Schwanen, T., 2024. Planning to fail? How science can respond to reduced climate mitigation ambition. npj Sustainable Mobility and Transport 1, 2.
- Motte-Baumvol, B., Schwanen, T., Bonin, O., 2024. Telework and the day-to-day variability of travel behaviour: the specificities of Fridays. Transportation Research D: Transport and Environment 132, 104245.
- Motte-Baumvol, B., Schwanen, T., 2024. Telework, travel times, and peak hour avoidance in England: an overview using travel times across five weekdays. Travel Behaviour and Society 34, 100668.
- Nixon, D., Schwanen, T., 2024. Community smarts in grassroots initiatives to support cycling and walking in large urban areas. Journal of Urban Technology 31(1), 9-28.
- Ravensbergen, L., Schwanen, T., 2024. Care-driven informality: the case of community transport. The Geographical Journal 190(2), e12552.
- Ravensbergen, L., Schwanen, T., 2024. Community transport’s dual role as a transport and a social scheme: implications for policy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 21(4), 422.
- Verlinghieri, E., Haines-Doran, T., Marsden, G., Schwanen, T., 2024. The role of funding in the ‘performative decarbonisation’ of transport in England. Political Geography 109, 103053.
- Zarabi, Z., Waygood, E.O., Schwanen, T., 2024. Understanding travel mode choice through the lens of COVID-19: a systematic review of pandemic commuters. Transport Reviews 44(2), 368-404.
- Carmichael, F., Darko, C.K., Daley, P., Duberley, J., Ercolani, M., Schwanen, T., Wheatley, D., 2024. Time poverty and gender in urban sub-Saharan Africa: Long working days and long commutes in Ghana’s Greater Accra Metropolitan Area. Journal of International Development 36(1), 343-364.
- Schwanen, T., 2023. Towards a different mode of abstraction: the diorama in Hägerstrand’s experimentation in thought. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 114(3), 219-226.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2023. The expected speed and impacts of vehicle automation in passenger and freight transport: a dissensus Delphi study among UK professionals. Research in Transportation Business & Management 50, 100973.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2023. Sociotechnical expectations of vehicle automation in the UK trucking sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 196, 122863.
- Jin, T., Cheng, L., Wang, S., Cao, J., Schwanen, T., Witlox, F., 2023. Do built environment factors have different effects on ridesourcing usage before and after the COVID-19 pandemic? Cities 141, 104520.
- Keith, M., …, Schwanen, T., et al., 2023. A new urban narrative for sustainable development. Nature Sustainability 6(2), 115-117.
- Meelen, T., Schwanen, T., 2023. Organizations as users in sustainability transitions: Embedding Vehicle-to-Grid technology in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 106, 103303.
- O’Clery, N., Duque, J.C., Alvanides, S., Schwanen, T., 2023. Data analytics and sustainable urban development in global cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 50(4), 857-862.
- Orjuela, J.P., Schwanen, T., 2023. Reconsidering mobility of care: learning from the experiences of low-income women during the COVID-19 lockdown in Itagüí, Colombia. Habitat International 142, 102965.
- Plyushteva, A., Schwanen, T., 2023. “We usually have a bit of flood once a week”: Conceptualising the infrastructural rhythms of urban floods in Malate, Manila. Urban Geography 44(8), 1565-1583.
- Santarius, T., …, Schwanen, T., et al., 2023. Digitalization and sustainability: a call for a digital green deal. Environmental Science & Policy 147, 11-14.
- Ryghaug, M.,…, Schwanen, T., et al., 2023. A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe: key themes and 100 research questions. Transport Reviews 43(4), 755-779.
- Straulino, D., Froy, F., Schwanen, T., O’Clery, N., 2023. Connecting up embedded knowledge across Northern Powerhouse cities. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 55(7), 1690-1713.
- Yu, Z., Li, P., Schwanen, T., Zhao, P., Zhao, Z., 2023. Role of rural built environment in travel mode choice: evidence from China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 117, 103649.
- Dudley, G., Banister, D., Schwanen, T., 2022. Low traffic neighbourhoods and the paradox of UK Government control of the active travel agenda. The Political Quarterly 93(4), 585-593.
- Lee, W.D., Schulte, K., Schwanen, T., 2022. An online interactive dashboard to explore personal exposure to air pollution. Urban Findings 49875.
- Rekhviashvili, L., Kębłowski, W., Sopranzetti, C., Schwanen, T., 2022. Informalities in urban transport: mobilities at the heart of contestations over (in)formalisation processes. Geoforum 136, 225-231.
- Chung, J., Buswala, B., Keith, M., Schwanen, T., 2022. Climate mobilities into cities: a systematic review of literature from 2011-2020. Urban Climate 45, 101252.
- Doody, B., Schwanen, T., Loorbach, D.A., Oxenaar, S., Arnfalk, P., Svennevik, E.M.C., Julsrud, T.E., Farstad, E., 2022. Entering, enduring and exiting: the durability of shared mobility arrangements and habits. Mobilities 17(4), 484-500.
- Guo, W., Schwanen, T., Brand, C., Chai, Y. 2022. Evaluating rules for aggregating satisfaction with activity-travel episodes to a day-level satisfaction measure. Transport Findings 38543.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2022. Recruiting research participants for transport research: reflections from studies on autonomous vehicles in the UK. Journal of Transport Geography 102, 103377.
- Kiviluoto, K., Tapio, P., Tuominen, A., Lyytimäki, J., Ahokas, I., Silonsaari, J., Schwanen, T., 2022. Towards sustainable mobility – transformative scenarios for 2034. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 16, 100690.
- Castree, N., Leszczynski, A., Stallins, J.A., Schwanen, T., Patel, Z., 2022. Reconstituting Geography for the 21st century. Environment and Planning F: Theory, Philosophy, Models, Methods, and Practice 1(1), 3-6.
- Dudley, G., Banister, D., Schwanen, T., 2021. Urban local authorities and the delivery of micro-mobility strategies: obstacles in the implementation of bicycle hire in the UK. Built Environment 47(4), 480-498.
- Loorbach, D.A., Schwanen, T., Doody, B., Arnfalk, P., Langeland, O., Farstad, E., 2021. Transition governance for just, sustainable urban mobility: an experimental approach from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Journal of Urban Mobility 1, 100009.
- Schwanen, T., 2021. Achieving just transitions to low-carbon urban mobility. Nature Energy 6, 685-687.
- Chan, E.T.H., Li, E.T.T., Schwanen, T., Banister, D., 2021. Meanings, place, and timescapes: An exploration of how pedestrians respond to their walking environment. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 19(4), 718-729.
- Chan, E.T.H., Schwanen, T., Banister, D., 2021. Towards a multiple-scenario approach for walkability assessment: An empirical application in Shenzhen, China. Sustainable Cities and Society 71, 102949.
- Chan, E.T.H., Schwanen, T., Banister, D., 2021. The role of perceived environment, neighbourhood characteristics and attitudes in walking behaviour: Evidence from a rapidly developing city in China. Transportation 48(1), 431-454.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2021. Talking about automated vehicles: what do levels of automation do? Technology in Society 64, 101488.
- Lee, W.D., Xian, M., Schwanen, T., 2021. The association between socioeconomic status and mobility reductions in the early stage of England’s COVID-19 epidemic. Health and Place 69, 102563.
- Meelen T., Doody, B., Schwanen, T., 2021. Vehicle-to-Grid in the UK fleet market: an analysis of upscaling potential in a changing environment. Journal of Cleaner Production 290, 125203.
- Mothilal Bhagavathy, S., Budnitz, H., Schwanen, T., McCulloch, M., 2021. Impact of charging rates on electric vehicle battery life. Findings, March. DOI: 10.32866/001c.21459.
- Schwanen, T., 2020. Towards decolonial human subjects in research on transport. Journal of Transport Geography 88, 102849.
- Schwanen, T., 2020. Low-carbon mobility in London: a just transition? One Earth 2(2), 132-134.
- Abad, R.P., Schwanen, T., Fillone, A., 2020. Commuting behavior adaptation to flooding: an analysis of transit users’ choices in Metro Manila. Travel Behaviour and Society 18, 46-57.
- Brand, C., Schwanen, T., Anable, J., 2020. ‘Online Omnivores’ or ‘Willing but Struggling’? Identifying online grocery shopping behavior segments using attitude theory. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102195.
- Chen, B.Y., Cheng, X.-P., Kwan, M.-P., Schwanen, T., 2020. Evaluating spatial accessibility to healthcare services under travel time uncertainty: a reliability-based floating catchment area approach. Journal of Transport Geography 87, 102794.
- Hopkins, D., Kester, J., Meelen, T., Schwanen, T., 2020. Not more but different: A comment on the transitions research agenda. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 34, 4-6.
- Rathod, A., Olsson, J., Schwanen, T., 2020. More than just screen time: children’s sedentary behaviors at home and the interplay of home environment factors. Children, Youth and Environments 30(2), 72-96.
- Teixeira, I., Rodrigues da Silva, A.N., Schwanen, T., Manzato, G., Dörrzapf, L., Zeile, P., Dekoninck, L., Botteldooren, D. (2020) Does cycling infrastructure reduce stress biomarkers in commuting cyclists? A comparison of five European cities. Journal of Transport Geography 88, 102830.
- Thulin, E., Vilhelmson, B., Schwanen, T., 2020. Absent friends? Smartphones, mediated presence, and the recoupling of online social contact in everyday life. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110(1), 166-183.
- Verlinghieri, E., Schwanen, T., 2020. Transport and mobility justice: evolving discussions. Journal of Transport Geography 87, 102798.
- Zhao, P., Li, P., Schwanen, T., 2020. Effect of land use on shopping trips in station areas: examining sensitivity to scale. Transportation Research Part A: Planning and Practice 132, 969-984.
- Schwanen, T., 2019. Transport geography, climate change and space: opportunity for new thinking. Journal of Transport Geography 81, 102530.
- Witlox, F., Schwanen, T., 2019. Looking back, to move forward: Celebrating 25 years Journal of Transport Geography. Journal of Transport Geography 81, 102591.
- Nixon, D.V., Schwanen, T., 2019. Bike sharing beyond the norm. Journal of Transport Geography 80, 102492.
- Pereira, R.H.M, Banister, D., Schwanen, T., Wessel, N., 2019. Distributional effects of transport policies on inequalities in access to opportunities in Rio de Janeiro. Journal of Transport and Land Use 12(1), 741-764.
- Wang, D., Schwanen, T., Mao, Z., 2019. Does exposure to richer and poorer neighborhoods influence wellbeing? Cities 95, 102408.
- Meelen, T., Truffer, B., Schwanen, T., 2019. Virtual user communities contributing to upscaling innovations in transitions: The case of electric vehicles. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 31, 96-109.
- Dudley, G., Banister, D., Schwanen, T., 2019. The dynamics of public participation in new technology transitions: the case of dockless bicycle hire in Manchester. Built Environment 45(1), 93-111.
- Palmer, J., Schwanen, T., 2019. Clearing the air after ‘dieselgate’: Time for European regulators to experiment with participatory governance. The Geographical Journal 185(2), 237-242.
- De Vos, J., Schwanen, T., Van Acker, V., Witlox, F., 2019. Do satisfying walking and cycling trips result in more future trips with active travel modes? An exploratory study. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13(3), 180-196.
- Plyushteva, A. and Schwanen, T., 2018. Care-related journeys over the life course: Thinking mobility biographies with gender, care and the household. Geoforum 97, 131-141.
- Schwanen, T., 2018. Uncertainty in contextual effects on mobility: An exploration of causality. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(6),1506-1512.
- Kwan, M.-P., Schwanen, T., 2018. Context and uncertainty in Geography and GIScience: Advances in theory, methods, and practice. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(6): 1473-1475.
- Schwanen, T., 2018. Towards decolonised knowledge about transport. Palgrave Communications 4: 79.
- Cass, N., Schwanen, T., Shove, E., 2018. Infrastructures, intersections and societal transformations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 137: 160-167.
- Ma, B.D., Ng, S.L., Schwanen, T., Zacharias, J., Zhou, M., Kawachi, I., Sun, G., 2018. Pokémon GO and physical activity in Asia: Multilevel study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(6), e217.
- Schwanen, T., 2018. Thinking complex interconnections: transition, nexus and geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 43(2), 262-283.
- Schwanen, T., 2018. Geographies of transport III: New spatialities of knowledge production? Progress in Human Geography 42(3), 463-472.
- Geels, F.W., Schwanen, T., Sorrell, S., Sovacool, B.K., Jenkins, K., 2018. Reducing energy demand through low carbon innovation: A sociotechnical transitions perspective and thirteen research debates. Energy Research & Social Science 40, 23-35.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2018. Automated mobility transitions: governing processes in the UK. Sustainability 10(4), 956.
- Hubers, C.G.T.M., Dijst, J., Schwanen, T., 2018. The fragmented worker? ICTs, coping strategies and gender differences in the temporal and spatial fragmentation of paid labour. Time and Society 18(1), 92-130.
- Schwanen, T., 2017. Geographies of transport II: Reconciling the general and the particular. Progress in Human Geography 41(3), 355-364.
- Bergman, N., Schwanen, T., Sovacool, B.K., 2017. Imagined people, behaviour and future mobility: Insights from visions of electric vehicles and car clubs in the United Kingdom. Transport Policy 59, 165-173.
- Dudley, G., Banister, D., Schwanen, T., 2017. The rise of Uber and regulating the disruptive innovator. The Political Quarterly 88(3), 492-499.
- Geels, F.W., Sovacool, B.K., Schwanen, T., Sorrell, S., 2017. The socio-technical dynamics of low-carbon transitions. Joule 1(3), 463-479.
- Geels, F.W., Sovacool, B.K., Schwanen, T., Sorrell, S. 2017. Sociotechnical transitions for deep decarbonization. Science 357(6357), 1242-1244.
- Hu, K., Wu, J., Schwanen, T., 2017. Differences in energy consumption in electric vehicles: an exploratory real-world study in Beijing. Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017, 4695975.
- Pereira, R., Schwanen, T., Banister, D., 2017. Distributive justice and equity in transportation. Transport Reviews 37(2), 170-191.
- Stapleton, L., Sorrell, S., Schwanen, T., 2017. Peak car and increasing rebound: A closer look at car travel trends in Great Britain. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 53, 217-233.
- Temenos, C., Nikolaeva, A., Schwanen, T., Cresswell, T., Sengers, F., Watson, M., Sheller, M., 2017. Theorizing mobility transitions: An interdisciplinary conversation. Transfers 7(1), 113-129.
- Schwanen, T., 2016. Rethinking resilience as capacity to endure: automobility and the city. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 20(1), 152-160.
- Schwanen, T., 2016. Geographies of transport I: Reinventing a field?, Progress in Human Geography 40(1), 126-137.
- Brands, J., Schwanen, T., Van Aalst, I., 2016. What are you looking at? A visitors’ perspective on CCTV in the night-time economy, European Urban and Regional Studies 23(1), 23-39.
- De Vos, J., Mokhtarian, P.L., Schwanen, T., Van Acker, V., Witlox, F., 2016. Travel mode choice and travel satisfaction: bridging the gap between decision utility and experienced utility, Transportation 43(5), 771-796.
- Kwan, M.-P., Schwanen, T., 2016. Geographies of mobility. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 106(2), 243-256.
- Stapleton, L., Sorrell, S., Schwanen, T., 2016. Estimating direct rebound effects for personal automotive travel in Great Britain, Energy Economics 54, 313-325.
- Wissink, B., Schwanen, T., Van Kempen, R., 2016. Beyond residential segregation: introduction. Cities 59, 126-130.
- Schwanen, T., 2015. Beyond instrument: smartphone app and sustainable mobility, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 15(4), 675-690.
- Schwanen, T., 2015. The bumpy road toward low-energy mobility: case studies from two UK cities. Sustainability 7(6), 7086-7111.
- Nordbakke, S., Schwanen, T., 2015. Transport, unmet activity needs and wellbeing in later life – exploring the links, Transportation, 42(6), 1129-1151.
- Schwanen, T., Atkinson, S.J., 2015. Geographies of wellbeing: an introduction, The Geographical Journal 181(2), 98-101.
- Schwanen, T., Lucas, K., Akyelken, N., Solsona, C.D., Carrasco, J.-C., 2015. Rethinking the links between social exclusion and transport disadvantage through the lens of social capital. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 74, 123-135.
- De Vos, J., Schwanen, T., Van Acker, V., Witlox, F., 2015. How satisfying is the Scale for Travel Satisfaction?, Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour 29, 121-130.
- Götschi, T., Tainio, M., Maizlish, N., Schwanen, T., Goodman, A., Woodcock, J., 2015. Contrasts in active transport behaviour across four countries: How do they translate into public health benefits?, Preventive Medicine 74, 42-48.
- Brands, J., Van Aalst, I., Schwanen, T., 2015. Safety, surveillance and policing in the night-time economy: (re)turning to numbers, Geoforum 62, 24-37.
- Van Liempt, I., Van Aalst, I., Schwanen, T., 2015. Geographies of the urban night, Urban Studies 52(3), 407-421.
- Brands, J., Schwanen, T., Van Aalst, I., 2015. Fear of crime and affective ambiguities in the night-time economy. Urban Studies 52(3), 439-455.
- Manderscheid, K., Schwanen, T., Tyfield, D., 2014. Introduction to Special Issue on ‘Mobilities and Foucault’, Mobilities 9(4), 479-492.
- Brands, J., Schwanen, T., Van Aalst, I., 2014. Spatiotemporal variations in nightlife consumption: A comparison of students in two Dutch cities, Applied Geography 54, 96-109.
- Schwanen, T., Wang, D., 2014. Well-being, context and everyday activities in space and time. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104(4), 833-851.
- Brands, J., Schwanen, T., 2014. Experiencing and governing safety in the night-time economy: nurturing the state of being carefree, Emotion, Space and Society 11, 67-78.
- Nordbakke S., Schwanen, T., 2014. Wellbeing and mobility: a theoretical framework and literature review focusing on older people. Mobilities 9(1), 104-129.
- Schwanen, T., Kwan, M.-P., Ren, F., 2014. The Internet and the gender division of labour, The Geographical Journal 180(1), 52-64.
- De Vos, J., Schwanen, T., Van Acker, V., Witlox, F., 2013. Travel and subjective well-being: A focus on findings, methods and future research needs. Transport Reviews 33(4), 421-442.
- Ren, F., Kwan, M.-P., Schwanen, T., 2013. Investigating the temporal dynamics of Internet activities using survival analysis. Time & Society 22(2), 186-215.
- Schwanen, T., Hardill, I., Lucas, S., 2012. Spatialities of ageing: the co-construction and co-evolution of old age and space. Geoforum 43(6), 1291-1295.
- Schwanen, T., Banister, D., Bowling, A., 2012. Independence and mobility in later life. Geoforum 43(6), 1313-1322.
- Schwanen, T., Kwan, M.-P. Guest editorial: Critical space-time geographies. Environment and Planning A 44(9) 2043-2048.
- Schwanen, T., Van Aalst, I., Brands, J., Timan, T., 2012. Rhythms of the night: spatiotemporal inequalities in the night-time economy. Environment and Planning A 44(9), 2064-2085.
- Neutens, T., Delafontaine, M., Schwanen. T., Van de Weghe, N., 2012. The relationship between opening hours and accessibility of public service delivery. Journal of Transport Geography 25, 128-140
- Schwanen, T., 2012. Continuity and change in Dutch transport geography. Journal of Transport Geography 25, 167-170.
- Banister, D., Schwanen, T., Anable, J., 2012. Introduction to the special section on theoretical perspectives on climate change mitigation in transport. Journal of Transport Geography 24, 467-470.
- Schwanen, T., Banister, D., Anable, J., 2012. Rethinking habits and their role in behaviour change: The case of low-carbon mobility. Journal of Transport Geography 24, 522-532.
- Ettema, D., Schwanen, T., 2012. A relational approach to analyzing leisure travel. Journal of Transport Geography, 173-181.
Published/Accepted book chapters
- Morrissey, H., Schwanen, T. (2024) Digital technologies and formalisation: governance through surveillance in the South African minibus taxi industry. In: Cidell, J. (ed.) A Research Agenda for Transport Equity and Justice, pp. 121-131. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Schwanen, T. (2021) Urban transport and wellbeing: a critical analysis. In: Mladenović, M.N., Toivonen, T., Willberg, E., Geurs, K. (eds.). Transport in Human Scale Cities, pp. 14-26. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Schwanen, T., Nixon, D.V. (2020) Understanding the relationships between wellbeing and mobility in the unequal city: the case of community initiatives promoting cycling and walking in São Paulo and London, in: Keith, M., De Souza Santos, A.A. (eds.) Urban Transformations and Public Health in the Emergent City, pp. 79-101, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Nixon D.V., Schwanen, T. (2020) The conflicted pedestrian: walking and mobility conflict in the city, in: Jensen, O.B., Lassen, C., Kaufmann, V., Freudendal-Pedersen, M., Gøtzsche Lange, I.S. (eds.) Handbook of Urban Mobilities, pp. 254-264. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Schwanen, T. (2019) Introduction to Handbook of Urban Geography, in: Schwanen, T.,Van Kempen, R. (eds.) Handbook of Urban Geography, pp. 1-17, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Schwanen, T., Nixon, D.V. (2019) Urban infrastructures: four tensions and their effects, in: Schwanen, T.,Van Kempen, R. (eds.) Handbook of Urban Geography, pp. 147-162, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2019. Experimentation with vehicle automation, in: Jenkins, K.E.H., Hopkins, D. (eds.) Transitions in Energy Efficiency and Demand:
The Emergence, Diffusion and Impact of Low-Carbon Innovation, pp. 72-93. Abingdon: Routledge. - Nixon, D.V., Schwanen, T., 2019. Emergent and integrated justice: Lessons from community initiatives to improve infrastructures for walking and cycling, in: Butz, D., Cook, N. (eds.) Mobilities, Mobility Justice & Social Justice, pp. 129-141. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Schwanen, T., 2018. Mobilities, in: Ash, J., Kitchin, R., Leszczynski, A. (eds.) Digital Geographies, pp. 60-70. London: Sage.
- Schwanen, T., 2018. Transportation systems, in: Castree, N., Hulme, M., Proctor, J. (eds.) The Companion to Environmental Studies, pp. 558-563. London and New York: Routledge.
- Hopkins, D., Schwanen, T., 2018. Governing the race to automation, in: Marsden G, Reardon L (Eds) Governance of the Smart Mobility Revolution. Bingley: Emerald.
- Schwanen, T., 2017. Information technology and mobility, in: Richardson, D., et al. (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0403. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
- Schwanen, T., 2016. Innovations to transform personal mobility, in: Hopkins, D., Higham, J. (eds.) Low Carbon Mobility Transitions, pp. 205-218. Goodfellow Publishers, Oxford.
- Schwanen, T., 2015. Understanding process: can transport research come to terms with temporality?, in: Hickman, D., Bonilla, D., Givoni, M., Banister, D. (eds.) International Handbook on Transport and Development, pp. 660-674. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- Schwanen, T., 2015. Automobility, in: Wright, J.D. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, Volume 2, pp. 303-308. Elsevier, Oxford.
- Van Aalst, I., Schwanen, T., Van Liempt, I., 2014. Video-surveillance and the production of space in urban nightlife districts, in: Van den Hoven, J., Doorn, N., Swierstra, T., Koops, B,-J. and Romijn, H. (Eds.) Responsible Innovation Volume 1: Innovative Solutions for Global Issues, pp. 315-334. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Schwanen, T., 2013. Sociotechnical transitions in the transport system, chapter 14 in: Givoni, M., Banister, D. (eds.), Moving towards Low Carbon Mobility, pp. 231-254. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Givoni, M., Banister, D., Macmillen, J., Schwanen, T., 2013. Thinking change and moving forward, chapter 16 in: Givoni, M., Banister, D. (eds.), Moving towards Low Carbon Mobility, pp. 267-283. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.